In the autumn of 1998 a friend introduced me to a book which has found a very special place on my bookshelf. Simple Abundance by Sarah ban Breathnach represents the very best in book pilgrimage. Each of its daily meditations is drawn from a particular source and as a result of the author's magpie like eye for inspiration, this book has the most amazing and varied bibliography. Perfect for the book pilgrim! And so I have enjoyed many years of one book leading to another which led to another, which led....
More recently the same friend pointed me in the direction of Persephone Books. With their gorgeous dove grey covers and beautifully reproduced end papers these books are absolute bliss. And as one good thing always leads to another it was, I suppose, only a matter of time before the Persephone path led somewhere too. Having finally mastered the art of (very basic) Facebooking, and having signed up to posts from the Persephone Facebook page, I was introduced one day to Slightly Foxed - the real reader's quarterly. A quick visit to their website, a quick click through the secure payment process and a trial copy was on its way.
Pilgrim's pleasure at its very best, for it arrived this morning, together with a catalogue, an index and details of back issues, all printed on paper the colour of clotted cream and tied together with a dark blue ribbon. Now that is real style and a perfect delight to open. Thoughtfully included in the package was a subscription form. And so once again a new landscape to be explored opens up on the pilgrimage. Who knows where this one may lead.
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