Monday, 13 June 2011

Consider the Lilies

I am doing what aspiring writers are told to do; show up at the page. Even if I have no clue what to write about. Which I don't. I am in the garden for it is warmer out here than it is inside due to the vagaries of the British summer.

A wet patch is drying on the flat stone by the pond where a blackbird has just taken a bath in the shallows. He has flown up into the willow which overhangs our garden and two sparrows have taken his place. The dog is sprawled asleep on the patio in a warm patch of sunlight while the acer leaves whisper in the breeze. It seems that I am the only one who is deeply troubled. Last night's dream in which my life's energy seemed to be flowing away has left me wondering. I am assured by Google that this is an indication of mental and emotional exhaustion!

The blackbird has returned, for a drink this time. He seems to know how to nourish and care for both the inside and outside of himself. How is it that nature seems to know how to nurture itself while we so often allow our life energy to seep away on things which do not count for much? No wonder then that Jesus reminded his followers to consider the lilies. He assured them that God knows that they need these things. I need the pond, the bathing blackbird, the sparrows and the sleepy dog.

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